
Yam! 8/08 - Exlusiv: The manager that volume unpacks!

Talent, hard work or luck - what will it take to produce up to? Tokyo hotel-producer David Jost knows it!

He is a producer, songwriter and manager of Tokyo hotel. David Jost, the band discovered from Magdeburg, built and international success. The creative Hamburger is a workaholic, his diary almost around the clock full. Nevertheless, surely the 35-year-old had the time and yam! an exclusive interview. It revealed he was a star he has to have lasting success, and why the will often counts more than talent…

What should bring a star:
DAVID: potential! It must be especially emotional potential and a very large force will bring. If talent and desire for an artist highly concentrated together, the chances are very great that it sooner or later will prevail.

Can you look at it, if only one of these two properties?
DAVID: Yes, but they must then play a particularly strong. If you only talent, but not very willenstark is, you have to halt the lucky, surrounded by people to be the one to drive success. Even the other way it can work. Someone with a rather mediocre talent, but enormous will power and intelligence, can still stand a chance of success.

Is there a good example?
DAVID: Madonna! A truly outstanding singer is she not, but very intelligent. Madonna has spread over a period of more than 20 years at the World seats. This has nothing to do with luck, no one has so long happiness. It leaves nothing to chance. Although Madonna themselves on the stage, it is one of the major Strippenziehern the music industry.

What you need to successfully and permanently?
DAVID: A very important feature, which also will power connected, the willingness to sacrifice in order to achieve his goal. For large and long-term success must almost always sacrifices. This is true not only for the music industry. One has been incredibly good luck and talent have to sacrifice without long-term to keep up.

What you recognize talent?
DAVID: That can not say so flat rate. Most of talent can be felt. I verlass mainly on me because my gut feeling.

And what did you say your gut feeling when you first seen Tokio Hotel?
DAVID: I am completely durchgedreht [laughs]. It took me totally unexpected. At the time I actually had anything to me as completely devoted to a band. But all the plans that I had before, were immediately forget the guys when I first heard and saw, Bill was 13 and me and my partners band demos presents, which they own in their small rehearsal room live Magdeburg added. After the boys then a few hours later had adopted, I have all the time only "Yes" and "Strike" screamed [grins].

Did you know that Tokyo hotel internationally so successful?
DAVID: No, of course not. I was with todsicher that the band in Germany through the ceiling. I've got to the entire music industry to bet everything. But it would have been presumptuous if I would have expected that it would waive such internationally.

What is the recipe for success Tokyo hotel?
DAVID: The music market is full of artists, where it runs only if they all say exactly what they need to do careful and to do everything right. When TH is the opposite one of the recipes for success.

DAVID: When Bill something against his will would require - what would be impossible anyway - would he lose much of what it represents. Bill needs of what he does, completely convinced - to really be as good as it can be. The knew as a little boy exactly what he wants, and especially what he does not want. The people feel. In addition, he has great emotional extremes in itself. Such a front man found in Germany only every few decades. The Star potential of this band is so big. Even if I totally gehirnamputiert would have been the thing I would not go to the wall [laughs]…

Songwriter or manager - what makes you more fun?
DAVID: The song writing is of course more fun. But the manager is also a creative and varied job. I have the luck that I work for a band to which I myself believe and me every day from New kicking. If this is not so, I could not do the job.

Do you have already started Tokyo hotel, on the third album?
DAVID: With the Songwirting we have begun. Bill has just completed a creative peak and is constantly updated with new song ideas.

What is the best song you ever composed?
DAVID: The I have not written. The first comes yet [Laughter]